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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fat Asian Kids and Old People

~”With my GPS we'll never get lost!”~

UP is such a great movie! Who thought of making a lean, evil rottweiler sound like Zim? GENIUS!

And who thought people still want to see fat kids? I like how UP makes a statement about the communication gap between old folks and children because it's only going to get worse once people start having great grandkids again and we need to start creating a system for it. But why's the kid have to be a chunk bucket? Disney's supposed to make characters that stand as role models for children, give parents hints about how to raise their kids, and be cute to everyone else. So Disney is saying that kids should be fat, parents should make their kids fat, and everyone else thinks chunky kids are cute (well.. chunkbuckets can be kinda funny).

Actually, I think Disney is just making a sharp popular commentary. In UP we see the perfect example of a modern day child: overachiever, gets lost without a GPS, and fat. The first two are reasonable considering the kind of world we live in, but the third I view as a direct result of crappy morale-heavy 90's cartoons.

In shows like … I actually can't think of any. But NOT Captain Planet or Ninja Turtles or Transformers.. maybe Pete and Pete, Hey Arnold!.. anyways, these shows always had the token fat kid who's life sucked because he was fat and he couldn't do anything. The token fat kid was especially useless in shows where people are trying to save the world or something and the fat kid can't run, can't dodge, and needs to eat stuff every five minutes. (LOST's Hurley is a token fat character! He does N O T H I N G action-movie oriented). For some asinine reason, the main characters of the show decided to tell the fat kid that, “it's okay to be fat. You're still a good person.” So the fat kid gets all this self esteem and in the real world fat kids start saying, “it's okay that I'm fat. I'm still a good guy!” Cut to ten years later and ~somehow~ our country has an obesity crisis. All we have to do is stop putting fat heroes in shows! Keep the fat characters as villains. And stop eating so much Popeye's. Yes it's delicious but just stop going three times a week. Try two times a month.

--A trying not to be a fatty Teck

PS: Anyone else excited for District 9?

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