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How Much The Future Will Suck


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

HMTFWS: Wheelchairs

Cato and I went to a NYLaughs comedy in the park thing last Sunday. Eddie Brill said some cool stuff about our culture and how unhealthy it is. During his rant on soda being purely chemicals that can corrode car paint but we still drink he said, “Why's your kid on Ritalin? Because you give him processed sugar! You might as well give him crack. At least that has baking soda in it.”

If the government really wanted us to be healthy, they wouldn't be putting so much money into healthcare. They'd do things like making Meat and Bone Meal (that's what makes cows mad) illegal, and hand out free facemask for urban-dwellers instead of syringes.

So because I'm yapping about how much the present sucks, and because it's been a while, there's a brand new How Much The Future Will Suck! This one is for old people (which will be you when it becomes the future, so listen up!)

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